Take Charge of Your Money: Join the Budgeting Workshop for just $99/mo

Why Join Our Budgeting Workshop?

Our budgeting workshop is designed to help you take charge of your finances, eliminate debt, and build a secure financial future. For only $99 per month, gain the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.

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Prepare for Financial Success

Our workshop will prepare you for financial success by teaching you how to create a realistic budget. You'll also learn to stick to this budget, ensuring it aligns with your financial goals.

Reasons Why This Budgeting Workshop Will Change Your Life!

Workshop Details: What We Will Do Together

Budget Workshop

Take Charge of Your Money with Expert Guidance and Group Accountability
$ 99 Monthly
  • Monthly 1:Many Budget Preparation (zoom)
  • Previous Month Review Identify Wins and Areas for Improvement:
  • Mid-Month 1:Many Check-in (zoom)
  • Private Slack Room For On Going Suppport
  • Google Sheets Budget Template
  • Group Accountibility Stay on track and motivated.
  • Group Dynamics: Benefit from the shared experiences and support
  • Maximum of 10 spaces per zoom session
  • Most people master budgeting in 3 to 6 months

Monthly Budget Preparation:

  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Learn how to set up a budget for the coming month.
  • Interactive Exercises: Participate in exercises to track income and expenses, categorize spending, and allocate funds for savings and debt repayment.
  • 1:Many Group Session: group sessions fosters better progress through the powerful combination of accountability and a touch of healthy competition, motivating everyone to stay on track and achieve their financial goals together.

  • Monthly Review and Analysis:

  • Reflect on the Past Month: Analyze your previous month’s budget to understand your spending patterns.
  • Identify Wins and Areas for Improvement: Celebrate your successes and pinpoint areas where you can do better.

  • Mid-Month Check-In:

  • Stay on Track: Join a group check-in session to ensure you’re sticking to your budget.
  • Make Adjustments: Address any challenges and make mid-month corrections.
  • Celebrate Progress: Share and celebrate small wins to stay motivated.

  • What Our Clients Say

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What will I learn in the workshop?

    This budgeting workshop is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to take control of your finances, reduce financial stress, and achieve your financial goals. Through practical exercises and personalized coaching, you’ll learn how to create and maintain a sustainable budget that aligns with your personal financial aspirations.

    What You Will Learn:

    • Creating a Realistic Budget:
      • Setting financial goals and differentiating between wants and needs
    • Debt Management:
      • Strategies for reducing and eliminating debt, including the snowball method
    • Building an Emergency Fund:
      • Importance and steps to establish and maintain an emergency fund
    • Improving Spending Habits:
      • Making smarter financial decisions and avoiding impulse purchases

    Join our budgeting workshop to transform your financial future, reduce stress, and achieve lasting financial success.

    How is the work shop delivered?

    All workshops are virtual via Zoom unless otherwise stated on the workshop signup page and invitation.

    Step-by-Step Process:

    1. Sign Up: Register for the workshop through our website.
    2. Attend First Week of the Month Budget Workshops via Zoom: Join the initial session at the beginning of each month to set up your budget.
    3. Implement Personalized Budgeting Strategies: Apply the budgeting strategies discussed in the workshop and analyze the previous month’s budget (except in the first month when there is no previous budget).
    4. Attend Mid-Month Budget Workshop via Zoom: Participate in a mid-month check-in session to ensure everyone is on track with their budget and to answer any questions.
    5. Track Your Progress: Monitor your budgeting progress throughout the month.
    6. Ask Questions in Private Slack Room as Needed: Utilize the private Slack room for any additional questions and support between sessions.
    Is there a money-back guarantee?

    Subscription fees for workshops can be refunded for up to 30 days from the date of the most recent charge. Only the current month can be refunded; previous months are not eligible for a refund.

    1:1 coaching fees (e.g., for financial counseling/coaching services) are not refundable, as we operate on a fee-for-time service model. We promise that you will get out of the coaching session what you put into it.

    How long is each workshop session?

    We try to keep the sessions to one hour, but sometimes they may extend up to an hour and 30 minutes. We recommend not scheduling anything for up to one hour after our scheduled workshop to ensure we can give extra attention to someone’s needs without rushing.

    If you need to leave early, please inform the coach at the start of the session. The coach can then arrange for you to work with the group on your budget first, so you can drop off early if necessary. We understand that life happens, but try not to make a habit of leaving the workshop early, as you will lose the momentum of working in a group environment. Remember, you’re not only learning based on your budget but also from the nine other budgets discussed during the workshop.

    If you have a conflict with the time and date of the meeting, please let your coach know. You may be moved to another session with a different group if one is available.

    Do I have to bring my spouse, and does the workshop price cover my spouse or partner?

    Yes, you need to bring your spouse or partner if you are married or in a committed relationship where household finances are combined. We do not make exceptions for this because both individuals need to be on board for financial change to happen effectively.

    The one exception to this rule is if you are separated or going through a divorce and separating finances. In this case, you are welcome in the workshop and may benefit greatly from the support of friendly faces to help you learn a new relationship with money and to provide encouragement during this transition.

    Yes, the monthly fee for the budget workshop covers two people if they are married or a committed couple. The workshop is designed for singles or couples, and the price remains the same.

    Is the workshop suitable for beginners?

    Yes, the workshop is suitable for all levels of financial ability. It is especially beneficial for beginners who have never created a budget before, as they will make significant progress starting from the basics.

    For those who have some experience with budgeting but struggle to master it or stay on track, this workshop provides valuable guidance. The group accountability will help you stay focused and move forward in improving your budgeting skills.

    Even if you are proficient in budgeting and understand its principles but find yourself occasionally falling off track, the workshop’s group accountability can provide support. Most participants typically take about 3 to 6 months to feel comfortable with their budget and consistently stay on track.

    If you slip off your budget, don’t be discouraged. Make necessary adjustments and get back on track. With time and practice, budgeting will become second nature, much like riding a bike.

    What materials and tools will I need for the workshop?

    All materials and tools required for the workshop will be provided by your coach. You will receive access to a Google Sheet, so having a laptop connected to the internet is recommended for effective spreadsheet use. While accessing the sheet via your cell phone is possible, it may be challenging to work on and view all the details clearly. Therefore, using a laptop or desktop computer is highly recommended.

    You’ll be provided with a link to the Google Sheet on the first day of the workshop. While there are other budgeting tools available, such as Dave Ramsey’s EveryDollar, which incurs an $80/year cost, we encourage you to use our provided Google Sheet. This ensures that everyone in the workshop uses the same budgeting tool. It also facilitates easy sharing and discussion of data during class sessions, as we review and analyze budgets together. There’s no need to purchase any additional tools—just bring your financial information, and we’ll guide you through the process step by step.

    As for pre-workshop homework, gather all your bills and financial records from around your home, car, office, and any other locations. List all your monthly bills, their amounts, minimum payments, and other financial obligations on a piece of paper or spreadsheet. Don’t worry about formatting—focus on consolidating all your financial information in one accessible place. We’ll organize these numbers together on the first day of the workshop.


    Will I get personalized advice during the workshop?

    Yes, you will receive personalized advice during the workshop. While it is a one-to-many format with up to 10 participants (where one slot can be filled by a single person or a couple), each individual will work on their own budget. Throughout the workshop, during our budgeting exercises and analysis phases, you will receive feedback tailored to your financial situation. Our sessions include discussions on areas of improvement and tips to address challenges you may encounter.

    Please note that this is not a one-on-one coaching session but a group workshop. The personalized advice is delivered in a group format to ensure everyone benefits from shared insights and solutions.

    How soon can I expenct to see results from implementing the budgeting strategies?

    Most people should start to see a difference from the very first day of implementing the strategies. Simply organizing your finances on paper or electronically can be a significant improvement and helps dispel any denial about your financial situation.

    The timeline for seeing results varies for each individual, as everyone begins at different levels of financial management. Your progress largely depends on your commitment and action. Those who diligently follow the budgeting plan and actively work towards staying on track will experience noticeable improvements quickly. On the other hand, lack of action will delay progress.

    It’s important to remember that a budget is a proactive plan for managing your money. As I often advise my students: “Make a plan and work the plan.” Taking consistent action to improve your relationship with money will yield positive changes at a faster pace.

    What if I miss a session?

    We understand that life can be unpredictable, but please note that we do not offer make-up sessions or refunds for missed workshops. Each workshop comprises 10 slots and meets twice a month: once early in the month to build and analyze budgets, and a mid-month check-in session for adjustments and socializing among accountability partners.

    Our workshops go beyond budgeting—they cultivate accountability partnerships within each group, encouraging participants to commit to their tribe for mutual support and success. Each group even names their tribe to foster pride and camaraderie.

    We do not allow participants to switch between groups due to the tribe nature of the groups. If you anticipate recurring scheduling conflicts for your designated tribe’s meetings, please discuss this with your coach. They will assess the situation and may consider moving you to a different tribe if necessary.

    If you miss a session, we encourage you to communicate with your coach. Occasionally, they may arrange a brief private Zoom check-in to ensure you stay on track. However, regular make-up sessions are not standard practice, as our coaches also value their personal lives and time commitments.

    For the best workshop experience, we recommend attending each session regularly and participating fully in your designated tribe.

    Will there be any follow up support?

    Yes, there is post-workshop follow-up through our “Freedom Steps 1 – 2 – 3” workshop series, which follows the “Budgeting Workshop.” This upcoming series focuses on mastering baby steps 1, 2, and 3—building your emergency fund and tackling debt (excluding your home loan).

    We recommend starting with the Budgeting Workshop to master budgeting skills before addressing other financial challenges. Think of budgeting as the foundation of your financial house; it keeps everything stable as you build upon it. Without a solid budgeting foundation, attempts to address other financial issues may not yield lasting success.

    Join us for the Budgeting Workshop to establish a strong financial foundation and pave the way for comprehensive financial wellness in our follow-up workshops.

    Expert Coaching:

    Get guidance from a Ramsey Preferred Financial Coach with proven strategies for financial peace, offering tailored advice and practical steps to help you achieve your financial goals effectively.


    Meet Your Wealth Guide

    Hello, I’m Paul Stryer, and my journey with money began at 18 when I left home without any financial education. Despite my resourcefulness in finding unconventional ways to earn money, I lacked the knowledge to manage it responsibly. Over the years, I struggled with mounting credit card debt that escalated from modest balances to significant sums. Coupled with high expenses like car and home payments, my financial situation left me constantly stressed and fearful of losing my job.

    Compounding my challenges were my struggles in relationships, leading to two marriages that ended in financial disaster due to poor financial decisions. It wasn’t until after my second divorce in 2014 that I fully committed to Dave Ramsey’s principles, driven by the realization that I needed to change both my financial habits and my approach to relationships.

    Since then, I’ve transformed my financial life and become passionate about sharing my journey and expertise. Drawing from over 30 years as a network engineer and my ability to simplify complex subjects, I began coaching others towards financial freedom. By 2024, I had transitioned from a career at Cisco Systems to focus on coaching full-time, having helped numerous clients achieve significant financial and personal improvements.

    My journey has taught me valuable lessons in minimalism, financial honesty, and the importance of communication in relationships. Today, as a Ramsey Certified Coach, I am dedicated to helping others navigate their financial struggles and achieve lasting peace and prosperity. Join me in transforming your relationship with money and embarking on your own journey to financial freedom.

    I look forward to accompanying you on this transformative journey!

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